Jorge Fondebrider

Jorge Fondebrider

 Jorge Fondebrider

Jorge Fondebrider (b. 1956) is an Argentinian writer and poet born in Buenos Aires. As well as his numerous poetry books he has published a history of Buenos Aires told by foreigners who visited the city between 1536 and 2000 and a history of Patagonia, unusually told by confronting different versions of the same facts. He translates from French and English into Spanish. He recently won a major translation award from the French Government to translate Mme Bovary. His anthologies include French poetry 1940-1997, Irish short stories and contemporary Irish poetry – the first bilingual anthology to be published in a Spanish speaking country. He has also translated the work of Claire Keegan and published a book on Anglo-Scottish ballads. In 2009 he co-founded with Julia Benseñor the Club de Traductores Literarios de Buenos Aires. Most recently, he translated Richard Gwyn’s poetry for Gog y Magog publishers. In 2013 he coorganised the South American edition of the Writers' Chain project - Forgetting Chatwin - connecting writers through translation in Argentina, Chile and Wales.